Saturday, May 7, 2016


Today, I have 10 delicious smoothie recipe/ideas to share. The best part is, that they are all around 150 calories or less!

One of the ways I keep the calorie count down on my afternoon smoothie is by using Silk Unsweetened Almond or Coconut Milk. Depending on the flavor you choose, the calories range from 35 to 60. And now, Silk has a new option: Silk Almond Coconut Blend in Unsweetened and Original. I love the hint of coconut and the unsweetened version is only 35 calories for 8 oz! Plus they are non-GMO Certified. (Be sure to read about that if you are unfamiliar with that certification.)

The next time you’re tempted to grab an unhealthy snack, try one of these smoothies instead:

1. Cherrylicious
1 cup frozen cherries + 1/4 cup chopped pineapple + 1/2 cup low sugar orange juice or apple juice + 1/2 cup Unsweetened Almond Coconut Blend + 1/4 cup ice if needed (unless I am using all frozen fruit- I usually add a handful of ice to my smoothies)

2. Strawberry Banana
3/4 cup strawberries + 1/2 banana + 3/4 cup Unsweetened Almond Coconut Blend

3. Tropical Green Smoothie
3/4 cup unsweetened almond milk + 3/4 cup pineapple (cubed) + 1/2 banana + 1/2 cup spinach + 1/2 cups ice

4. Peaches and Cream
1 cup sliced peaches + 1/2 cup Unsweetened Almond Coconut Blend

5. Pineapple Coconut
1 cup frozen pineapple + 3/4 cup Unsweetened Silk Coconut Milk

6. Creamsicle:
1/2 cup orange juice + 1/2 cup Unsweetened Almond Coconut Blend + 1 cup Frozen Mango Chunks

7. Good Morning Smoothie
4 oz orange juice + 1/2 banana +1/2 cups frozen mixed berries +
4 oz Unsweetened Almond Coconut Blend

8. Pomegranate Mixed Berry
1 cup frozen mixed berries + 4 oz pomegranate juice + 1/2 medium banana + 4 oz Unsweetened Almond Coconut Blend.

Smoothie tips:

Use fresh or frozen fruit (or a combo of both) If you use fresh, you will need to add about 1/2 cup of ice.) Ripe bananas work best.
Load the container in the proper order—liquids first, then soft fruits or vegetables, greens, and ice on top.
Depending on sweetness of the fruit, you might need a bit of sweetener, use honey, agave, maple syrup, Stevia, sugar substitute, apple juice, or a little sugar a tiny bit at a time.
All blenders are different, and will process, the ingredient at a different rate so if your Smoothie is too thin: Add a bit more fruit/banana/ice. If it is too thick: add a bit more Silk Almond/Coconut Milk or low sugar juice.
Optional add-ins to bump up the nutritional content: 1/2 avocado, (will add creaminess w/out changing the flavor) Handful of baby spinach, chia or flax seed, protein powder, nut butters, yogurt or even cooked oatmeal.

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