Friday, March 25, 2016


This is a really quick and easy way to make a frozen thick chocolate shake at home. I was happy with the consistency after putting the mixture in the freezer for about one hour.

I made one of these shakes tonight and I will be making more to enjoy this summer. You will not be disappointed with this treat! Feel free to tweak the sweetener amount to suit your taste. I felt this had the perfect sweetness for me, but others may want it more or less sweet. Enjoy!

Now that the summer weather has finally arrived in Southern New England, it’s time to enjoy those nice cold frosty treats. I do love my sugar free ice cream, but I miss swinging by the fast food drive-through on the way home to grab a chocolate frosty. I figured there must be a way to make a mock low carb chocolate frosty at home. I did find a few recipes online, but decided to come up with my own recipe. Since I’m the only one in the house who eats sugar free, I wanted something that would only make one serving in about an hour.

Yield: 1 serving

Calories per serving: 94

Fat per serving: 8.3g

This is a really quick and easy way to make a frozen thick chocolate shake at home. The creamy low carb chocolate frosty shake is a must for low carb diets.


6 tablespoons heavy whipping cream
5 tablespoons unsweetened almond milk
1/8 teaspoon sugar-free vanilla extract
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 1/2 teaspoons Truvia, or 2 tablespoons equivalent sugar substitute

Start whipping cream with mixer until soft peaks form.
Slowly add remaining ingredients.
Continue beating until stiffer peaks form.
Put mixture in freezer.
After 20 minutes, remove from freezer and stir with fork to break up frozen areas around edges.
Keep checking mix every 20 minutes and stir until it’s cold enough and the right consistency.

Makes 1 serving

Nutrition per serving: 322 calories, 8.3g fat, 52mg sodium, 8.4g carbs, 4g fiber, 4.4g net carbs (subtracting fiber), 0.3g protein.

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