Friday, March 18, 2016

Three-Ingredient Low-Carb Chocolate Truffles

I bought a pink jogging stroller at a consignment shop on Tuesday and Miles and I have already logged about 15 miles. The warmer weather, as is it every spring, is a revelation. The melted snowbanks may reveal hardened dog poop and lost winter hats and the world may still be a dingy shade of greige but I don’t care. It feels as if my “livable space” has been expanded by approximately one billion square feet.

Miles sits very solemnly in his gender-inappropriate stroller taking it all in. He typically falls asleep around mile two. He only sleeps when moving recently; so either I’ll run every nap time and get thin or drive him around every night, answering the siren-call of fast food drive-throughs and getting fat. The jury is still out.

I found Lily’s Chocolate at a local health food store this week – I was excited to see a stevia-sweetened chocolate option available locally but decided that it’s just too expensive for me. These truffles are yet another answer to creating my own DIY option. To be a true replacement for a chocolate bar, a recipe must be quick and simple so that I can keep it on hand all the time. These truffles, tucked into the refrigerator, are just the ticket.

They’re lovely plain or smooshed with some toasted nuts or coconut flakes. They’re also delicious atop a spoonful of nut butter or a scoop of low-carb ice cream. My next plan is to spread one on a piece of bread Nutella-style – I’ll let you know how that goes.

These truffles are essentially ganache made with a low-carb sweetener. I used Pyure Stevia Blend, which I buy at Wal-Mart. It’s also available online. It’s twice as sweet as table sugar. If you have another low-carb POWDERED (not liquid!) sweetener you prefer (such as Swerve, powdered stevia, xylitol, erythritol, Trim Healthy Mama brand sweeteners, Splenda, Truvia, etc.), feel free to substitute. There are many charts online to help you convert sweetener quantities. This is one of my favorites. This recipe is theoretically as sweet as if it had 1 cup of table sugar in it, info which will help with sweetener conversions.

Also, the quality of chocolate you use in this recipe makes a big difference (obviously!). Try to avoid the cheapo unsweetened chocolate “squares” typically available at grocery stores. Look for Ghirardelli or a similar premium brand. You deserve only the best chocolate :)

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
25 minutes
Yield: 20
Serving Size: 1 truffle
8 grams
Simple three-ingredient chocolate truffles are the perfect quick chocolate fix! Even better, they are low-carb and sugar-free.
  • 9 ounces heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup Pyure Stevia Blend Sweetener (see post for substitution notes)
  • 1 package best quality unsweetened baking chocolate (4 ounces), chopped
  1. Place chocolate in a shallow heatproof bowl. Set aside.
  2. Warm cream and sweetener in a small saucepan over medium-low heat. Heat until sweetener dissolves and mixture is hot but not simmering.
  3. Pour hot cream over chocolate. Let sit for one minute, and then gently whisk together using a fork. It will form a thick (but still liquid) mixture.
  4. Refrigerate ganache until firm.
  5. Line a baking sheet with parchment. Use a small cookie scoop to scoop truffle mixture onto parchment.
  6. Store truffles in the refrigerator. Allow to "temper" at room temperature for a few minutes before enjoying.
Net carbs per truffle = 1 gram

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