Friday, March 25, 2016

Low Carb Smoothie Recipes Most Popular

WARNING: In terms of repins this is  one of the most popular “low carb smoothies” on Pinterest. It was selected for this reason. As you can tell from reviewing the above carb chart and looking at these ingredients, however, this smoothie frankly has a lot of carbs !

 It’s a sugar shake. It’s included as an example of what to look out for. Also, check out this interactive chart for a ranking of sugar in various fruits: Low carb fruits and vegetables  Choose wisely

Super Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Recipe

Items We Think You May Need
 2 ripe bananas
 2 cups frozen or fresh soft fruit: peaches, mangos, berries, whatever you like
 1 cup calcium fortified orange juice
Items We Think You May Have
 2 Tbsp chia seeds: Stir well into 1 cup of water, and soak overnight in the fridge.

 1 cup almond milk or other non-dairy milk

This smoothie is lower in carbs.

Spinach Romaine Banana Ginger Smoothie

handful romaine lettuce
handful of spinach
1 frozen banana
small piece of ginger
stevia to sweeten
1-2 cups water

Diabetic-Friendly Strawberry Smoothie

Smoothie Ingredients (for 1 serving)

1 cup fresh or frozen whole strawberries (thaw first if frozen)

1 banana (cut into small sections)

1 cup light and sugar-free strawberry yogurt
1 cup mashed ice

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