Thursday, April 21, 2016

Avocado Green Tea Power Shake – Low Carb and Gluten-Free

A low carb avocado and green tea smoothie, the ultimate post-workout recovery drink, packed with protein and anti-oxidants.

Food and fitness.  My two loves; one old, one new.  Food has always been a great love of mine.  We go way back.  Way, way back, to my infancy.  Actually, that’s not strictly true, since I was one of the pickiest eaters in existence until I hit about 9 years old.  Still, given that I just entered my 40s, that’s a good 31 years, a fairly long time frame for any love affair.  Fitness, on the other hand, is a recently acquired passion.  I always loved being active and outdoors but it wasn’t until I started running that I appreciated fitness for fitness’ sake.  Feeling my legs grow stronger, my heart and lungs increasing in capacity, my mind clearing with the intensity of the exercise.

  That’s incredibly powerful stuff, likely to turn any girl’s head so that she falls hard and fast in love.  We’re about three and a half years into our relationship, fitness and I, and I don’t see us ever breaking up.  And thankfully, these two loves go well together.  They get along and they even help each other out.  With more fitness, I can enjoy more food.  With better, healthier food, I can enjoy more fitness.  What a team.

And now I get to be a part of another team, a running team.  I am usually a lone runner, I train mostly by myself and I sign up for races on my own.  But I’ve been invited to be a part of the Cabot Fit Team for the Beach to Beacon 10k race in Portland, Maine, and I couldn’t be more excited.  I will be joining 6 other bloggers, a team captain and 2 farmers from the Cabot Creamery Coop for the race on August 3rd.  This was something I saw online and applied for back in April, and I am just tickled that they chose me.  Some of the other bloggers I already know (one I even know in person!) and some are completely new to me.  But they are running and food enthusiasts so how could we not enjoy each others’ company?

And it’s not just about the running.  If you live in New England, you know Cabot Cheese.  You couldn’t possibly not know it, it’s in every grocery store dairy aisle.  And it’s seriously good cheese, with some amazing flavours.  Have you tried their Smoky Bacon Cheddar?  Yep, it’s cheddar with bits of bacon in it, what’s not to love?  Ever since my husband discovered it a few months ago, there’s always a brick in our cheese drawer.  And for those who like spice, the Hot Habenero is seriously hot.  Like…seriously hot.  I’ve long been a fan of their products and they don’t just make cheese.  Full fat Greek yogurt is hard to find but many of my local stores carry the Cabot brand.

So it’s very fitting that I am coupling this announcement with what I like to call “The Ultimate Post-Workout Recovery Shake“, made with Cabot Greek yogurt.  I dreamed this one up while on a 10 mile run, when I was at that point where I could hardly wait to get home and start putting the nutrients back into my body.  This was while I was still waiting to hear if I’d made the team, but I had a container of the full fat yogurt in my fridge.  I knew I wanted serious protein and Greek yogurt always ups the protein game.  And I love matcha powder for its antioxidant properties.  I could also wax poetic about avocados for days on end, if you let me.  This smoothie, shake, recovery drink, whatever you want to call it, is really good, really healthy and very satisfying.  Whether you’re a runner, a gym rat, a CrossFitter or a weekend warrior, this low carb power shake will help you refuel.

Yield: 2 smoothies

A low carb avocado green tea smoothie, packed with protein and anti-oxidants. The ultimate post-workout recovery drink! Sugar-free.


1 tsp matcha green tea powder
1 tbsp hot water
1/2 medium avocado
1/2 cup Greek yogurt
1/4 cup vanilla whey protein powder
2 tsp Swerve Sweetener or granulated erythritol
1 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk


In a small bowl, whisk together matcha powder and hot water. Set aside.
Cut avocado into chunks and add to blender. Add yogurt, protein powder, and sweetener.
Add almond milk and matcha tea mixture and blend until smooth.
Divide between two glasses and enjoy.

Serves 2. Each smoothie has 9 g of carbs and 2.5 of fiber. Total NET CARBS = 6.5 g.


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