Sunday, April 10, 2016

Low Carb Snack: Low Carb Egg Chips

No matter what new diet fad I may try, it always seems that I come right back to my Low Carb living.  It’s the ONLY diet that I can stick to so easily and that I don’t feel like I’m starving.  The only setback for me though is that sometimes I get tired of eating the same ol’ thing, I mean there are only so many low carb snacks  that actually taste good. That can be dangerous because that’s usually when I start eyeballing other things in the cabinets!  Yesterday, I was in the mood for something crunchy, even though I’m not a chip kind of girl, I do love some chips and dip/salsa on occasion, but I knew I couldn’t take out the bag of tortilla chips or it would be all over with.
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I’d seen on a few blogs like this one  where she made chips from cheese, and they look so good, but I wasn’t sure I wanted a “chip” quite that cheesy.


 That means I needed a different base, and maybe put a little cheese into it, right?  The only thing I could think of that turns crispy when cooked that is low carb friendly, are the whites of an egg.  So that’s what I used and after a few trial runs on how much to use and how long to cook it to get that perfect non-burned crunch…….I nailed it (or at least I think I did). 

I’m not kidding you these things are soooooo good.  I’m not even going to confess to how many I ate, or plan to eat today but it’s okay, because they have (almost) ZERO CARBS!!!  The eggs I use have 0 carbs, the cheese has 0 carbs, and okay if you use dip like I used ranch which had less than 1 gram of carbs per 2 tbsp.  It’s still way better than regular chips with a trillion infinity grams per serving (which is usually somewhere around 2 chips).  Anyway, enough about that.  These are seriously easy to make, don’t take much time, and you can season them any way you want to for your own taste buds.  They’re really simple to make, I literally just whisked up the egg whites, added a PINCH of salt and pepper and a few pieces of shredded cheese and wah-lah.  I cooked them in a medium muffin pan, although you can use whichever size you wish, and I used a syringe just to make sure I got a similar amount of egg white in each cup (helps them to cook more evenly). Just one more look shall we…….
If you do decide to make some of these, I would love to know how you liked them. 

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