Thursday, April 21, 2016

how to manage diabetes withe healthy low carb aeting

What Is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a metabolic disorder causing an imbalance of insulin in the body. It can be diagnosed at any age and manifests itself in two most common types – Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is the body’s inability to either produce sufficient insulin to break foods into glucose for energy or produce too much of it.

Carbs when consumed are broken down into glucose that ends up as blood sugar. When the sugar levels rise, pancreas counter it by producing insulin (hormone) that enables blood sugar to enter the cells. While in healthy people sugar levels remain within an acceptable range, in diabetics they don’t.

That’s because their body cannot process carbs, effectively.

Therefore, when diabetics have high-carb diet, a high of amount of blood sugar is introduced in the system and as the body cannot balance it.

You body needs either insulin injections or medication to keep sugar levels in check.

Low-Carb Diabetic Diet

Since carbs get broken down as glucose, they affect blood sugar levels the most. Therefore, it is advisable that diabetics resort to a low-carb diet for diabetes that is fiber rich and dense in nutrients.

Controlling your carb intake to anywhere between 20–90 grams per day has been proven effective at regulating blood sugar (It is advised that you test your blood sugar levels before and after eating).

Not all carbs are bad – just the ones that are high on starch and sugar. Plant carbs rich in fiber are good. So instead of wiping out all carbs, retain nutrient dense, high fiber carbs like vegetables, berries, nuts and seeds in your low-carb diet.

Fiber found naturally in plant food doesn’t break down to glucose and therefore cannot affect the blood sugar levels.

Precautionary Measures

Stick to low-carb foods like meat, fish, eggs, seafood, non-starchy vegetables and healthy fats.
Each meal should contain a balance of protein, healthy fats and small amount of carbs, mostly from vegetables.
Consume carbs in moderation, if can’t be avoided.
Avoid high-carb foods, high in starches and sugars, such as potatoes, breads, legumes, fruits and artificial beverages.
Get plenty of exercise and indulge in physical activities.
Get sufficient rest and sound sleep.
When severely stressed, practice stress management through Yoga or other relaxation techniques.
While above steps help maintain blood sugar levels, always consult your doctor before making any dietary changes, especially so, if you are on any diabetes controlling medication.

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