Tuesday, April 12, 2016

protein waffers _ two recipes

Breakfast can be tricky when you’re trying to watch your carbs, or cooking for someone who needs to be gluten free. I tried two recipes, both were successful (one more tasty than the other) and both are good for different needs.

The first recipe is great for someone who is seriously watching their carbohydrate intake, as they are literally ZERO CARB WAFFLES (!!!). Now I’ll give a disclaimer- these are beautiful to look at, they have a very strange texture. If you compare it directly to a traditional flour waffle, you’ll probably be

1 Scoop Vanilla Whey Protein Isolate (I use Jay Robb Whey Protein as it is zero carb, sweetened with Stevia and tastes great)
1 Large Egg
1 Large Egg white
1 tsp Baking Powder
2 tbsp water
Few dashes cinnamon (optional)
1 packet Stevia (optional, but I like the taste of SweetLeaf Vanilla– it’s much less bitter)

Mix all ingredients. Add to waffle iron that has been coated with non-stick spray. Cook 2-3 minutes or until golden. Remove, and add toppings of your choice. If you want to keep with the zero carb theme, try  Walton Farms Zero Calorie Pancake Syrup.

The second recipe was by far the taste and texture winner. These are not carb free, but are definitely lower carb and higher protein. They are gluten free waffles though, so if that is a dietary concern these are a good choice. This recipe yielded some extremely moist, flavorful and delicious waffles. I’ll be making these again for sure- they stand up to even a traditional waffle recipe. You’ll notice they got gobbled up before I could get a good picture!

1 Large Egg
1 Scoop vanilla protein powder (again, I am obsessed with Jay Robb Protein!)
1/2 large banana
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk (I used vanilla)
1/4 cup oat flour
A few sprinkles of cinnamon
A pinch of salt

Mix all ingredients into a batter, using a fork to mash banana. Add to waffle iron that has been coated with non-stick spray. Cook 2-3 minutes or until golden. Remove, and add toppings of your choice.

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